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Counter-radicalisation in a context of hybrid war

Molecules Security

As we all know, the context we live influences our individual and group experience. We live in a time of great transformation of history: the progress of communication, transportation, and international trade is at an all-time high. These structural transformations bring inevitable changes to the way we communicate, travel, and live. The world is coming closer together through increased interactions of its multitude of citizens. This context, however, ignites reactions from the factions that are hostile to change, openness, and cooperation. Such factions may argue that opening up to the world will damage their cultures and traditions. In many cultures around the world, this belief has gained traction, and hostility towards differences is on the rise.


In the political arena, there is an open hostility towards Western-led economic globalisation. In Western countries, there are political movements against economic globalisation and accompanied rapid changes. The impact of globalisation on communities has become a concern. A heated debate continues to rage on globalisation and related topics such as porous borders, mass economic migration, the losers of globalisation, rapid changes in social, cultural, political, and economic domains, and related social and security issues.


People are increasingly warm up to the idea of preservation of culture and tradition, becoming hostile towards the ideas of diversity and multi-culturalism. In the geopolitical arena, there is an ideological onslaught against Western liberal democracy, accusing it of endangering history, tradition, and culture of the nations. Anti-globalist forces in this onslaught managed to offer a viable argument. They could easily divide people rather than uniting them. This scenario creates the backdrop of a hybrid war against the founding values of the post-war rules-based  world order and the Western liberal democracies. A hybrid war against Western liberal democracies is looming large. This context is imperative to understand violent radicalisation, which can be an off-shoot in the context of hybrid war. 

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